Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – Part Two(a)

February 22, 2012


In my prior post on the FCPA, I outlined who was subject to the FCPA.  As you may have noticed, I wrote a lot of words to get to the simple answer: everyone.  Now that we know everyone is subject to the FCPA, let’s find out what is forbidden under the FCPA. The FCPA prohibits: […]

Posted in: International Law

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – Antibribery Provisions

February 20, 2012


For thirty five years now, a United States company that operates or sells goods in or to foreign countries has been subject to the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.  The Act seeks to prevent American companies (and persons) from bribing foreign officials.  In 1998, Congress added additional provisions extending the reach of the FCPA to foreign […]

Posted in: International Law

Michael Sandel: What’s the right thing to do? | Video on

February 12, 2012


Michael Sandel: What’s the right thing to do? | Video on Here is an opportunity to attend a lecture from one of the best professors at one of our finest institutions.  This video alone demonstrates the value of the interwebs. Enjoy and let me know what you think.

Posted in: Legal Theory

What does it mean when the press talks about foreign contributions to American political candidates?

February 12, 2012


Federal law specifically prohibits any candidate seeking federal office from receiving contributions from any foreign citizens (direct contributions to candidates from corporations are still forbidden).  So what does it mean when members of the media discuss foreign contributions?  It likely means that the contributions made to the candidate come from either American citizens that work […]

5 Steps to Start Your Own Ohio State Political Action Committee

October 1, 2009


Political Action Committees (“PACs”) are how political donors maximize their dollars in the political process.  While individuals have limits on how much they may give to a candidates and political parties, individuals can further contribute to PACs and maximize their individual donations.  While there are limits as to how much an individual can donate to […]